This is why you should include kale in your diet

Kale is a cruciferous green vegetable with a bitter taste that belongs to the family of cabbage (Brassicas sae). It's now accessible not only at farmer's markets, but also at local grocery shops. It’s available in fresh bunches or pre-primed and trimmed bags. Currently, some local farmers are also growing this crop for personal consumption.

There are various advantages to including this in your regular diet.


We'll go over some of the benefits of consuming Kale for your overall health, weight loss, and glowing skin.



As an antioxidant


Kale contains all of the necessary minerals and vitamins: A, B2, B6, C, calcium, potassium, and copper. This is the planet's most nutrient-dense food because it includes a high concentration of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, which prevent oxidative damage in the body. According to some sources, a cup of raw kale has more vitamin C than an orange. It can help you fight cancer, increase your metabolism, and even slow down the ageing process. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral activities have  also been discovered in kale. Unfortunately, it contains oxalate in similar levels to other leafy vegetables such as spinach, albeit in less amounts. People who are more prone to oxalate kidney stones should see a doctor before they consume this beautiful vegetable.

Kale fights cancer


General well being


·      Kale may also help to lower bad cholesterol, which can contribute to major health problems like heart disease, according to some research. It contains bile acid sequestrants, which prevent the conversion of bile acids to cholesterol, quite reassuring for a healthy heart.

Fights against high Cholesterol


·      Vitamin K is another important component in the body that aids in the coagulation of blood and kale is believed to be rich in this essential nutrient.People who take warfarin, on the other hand, should seek medical advice before taking it because it inhibits the function of this vitamin.


·      This incredible vegetable is high in fibre and has high water content. When you are attempting to lose weight, this can serve you best as one cup of kale has almost 36 calories, which keeps you full. Foods high in water content, such as kale, cabbage, spinach, and cucumber, are thought to help people lose weight.


Helps in weight loss


·      Furthermore, persons who are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes should consume a healthier diet that includes high-fibre carbs like fruits and green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli.


·      There are certain foods that are usually underrated due to their bitter taste but surprisingly those are super healthy like kale and bitter melon. Both are believed to lower blood sugar levels for people with pre-existing diabetes.


·      This luscious green plant adds an earthy flavour to your food and is high in calcium, which helps to avoid ailments like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.It is also said to be a beneficial food for bone health.

Best for bone health


·      Kale is also a good source of iron, which is used to build haemoglobin, a vital component of blood. It may help to prevent iron deficiency anaemia, which is a relatively prevalent illness.


Get your glowing skin


If you're concerned about premature ageing, fine lines, dry skin, and wrinkles on your face, this article is for you. Try to stick to this weekly skin care routine to reclaim your youthful glow. Kale is high in vitamin C, which not only boosts your immunity but also aids in the formation of collagen.

Helps to prevent signs of ageing


As a result, this remedy might help you with all of your skin problems.


Take a handful of kale and boil it for sixty seconds in boiling water.

Then you puree it in the blender until it's completely smooth.

After that, strain the puree through a strainer or clean gauze to obtain a purplish green liquid.

After that, one tablespoon of corn flour is added to create a lovely mask.

Allow ten minutes for this mask to dry on your clean skin.

Later, wash it with cold water.

You will be astounded by the outcomes if you include it in your skin care routine.

Green Kale mask




We've tried to list all of the advantages of eating kale on a regular basis.

It may undoubtedly provide you with the majority of the aforementioned benefits because this natural fantastic food is rich in all vital elements for a healthy lifestyle.


Eat Green,Stay Green